Most people — perhaps yourself included — consider the spring and summer to be the prime time to replace your patio doors and other remodeling projects. The weather is beginning to warm up and many people have vacation time in the summer which both lend themselves to planning such projects during those times. Fall, however, is an optimal time for replacing your patio doors and here’s why:


1.      Contractors Have a Flexible Schedule
For many contractors, the spring and summer months are their busiest times of the year. It seems that everyone wants to improve their homes during those times so a contractor’s schedule typically fills up quickly.  As the weather cools off, though, a contractor’s schedule begins to open up as homeowners’ thoughts shift to the start of school and the upcoming holidays. Not only are you likely to have a wider choice of available time slots but you probably won’t have as long of a wait for the contractor to get started on your project.

2.      Ideal Weather
A remodeling project like replacing patio doors means that the contractors will need to have your home open to the weather outside. Fall in Western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota can be chilly at night. During the days, though, the weather is often pleasantly warm but not overbearingly hot. The insects aren’t as prevalent so you won’t have the concern of battling mosquitos and flies as you have your patio doors replaced.

3.      You’ll Save Money
You probably won’t need the heating and air conditioning system on if you have Craftmasters Remodeling comes out in the fall to replace your patio doors. You’ll save money on those costs. For the long-term, though, you’ll also save money on your utility bills the rest of fall, throughout the long, cold winter and for months to come. Your patio door will fit securely, be weatherized and provide an effective deterrent between your home and the outside weather.


Craftmasters Remodeling serves the Twin Cities metro area of Western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota by offering a range of home improvement services such as patio door installation, window installation, insulation and more. Contact us today at 763.600.7713 (North Metro), 952.955.9469 (South Metro), 651.400.8514 (East Metro) or 612.900.0040 (West Metro) for more information.