Have you heard of home performance testing? Much like the testing an athlete undergoes to pinpoint areas in which they can improve performance, our test looks for ways that we can improve your home as well. Craftmasters Remodeling offers home performance testing for homes in the St. Paul and Minneapolis areas. Here’s why you should call us now to perform this service in your own home: 


1. You’ll find out about your home’s efficiency

A more efficient home is one that uses less energy to keep you comfortable. When Craftmasters Remodeling comes to your home, we use a process that focuses on finding the areas where your home is less efficient than it could be. This home energy inspection is both professional and thorough. 


2. You’ll learn practical ideas to address issues

In addition to pointing out the areas in your home that could be contributing to an increase in your energy use, and therefore your utility costs, our team also provides you with actionable ideas and information that directly addresses these issues. You’ll be able to create a home that is more energy efficient after we’ve performed an energy inspection. 


3. It’s a multi-pronged approach

When Craftmasters Remodeling is hired for a home performance test, our team follows a precise method that covers a range of areas in order to generate invaluable information. While a visual inspection is the first line of defense during this inspection, it is followed by a blower door test that measures air leakage rates. An infrared camera inspection is completed on your doors, windows, walls and in your attic to look for areas of heat loss. An attic inspection will also pinpoint any problems that allow air to drift into the space and waste energy. 


4. Craftmasters offers complete services

Craftmasters Remodeling provides a complete line of services that are designed to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. If there are problem areas of energy loss in your home, the Craftmasters team has the skills and knowledge to address them. 

It’s not too late to benefit from knowing about the energy loss your home is experiencing. Call us today and schedule a home performance test and learn how we can help reduce your energy costs this winter.