• Money-Saving Winter Preparation Tips for Your Home

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors, Energy Inspection, Insulation, Windows

    Home Insulation TIps When it comes to saving money on energy bills in the winter, there's so much you can do on your own without consulting a professional. Thankfully, we're going to show you some excellent tricks for keeping your home warm and your bills low. Here's a look at some money saving tips for [...]

  • 4 Ideas for Your Patio Door Design

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors

    Today’s patio doors come available with endless designs, colors, patterns, shapes, and sizes. Below are a few ideas for helping you choose the right patio doors for your Maplewood, Minnesota home.   Get Creative and Go Custom Before you begin your project, ask yourself what you want instead of what you’re willing to settle for. [...]

  • Conducting a Full House Facelift

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors, Siding, Windows

    Older houses take on an appearance of age, which can be nice when the house appears as an historic landmark. Relatively newer houses aren't always so quaint when they appear to be old and out of use. Fortunately, there are ways to give a house a facelift which maintains the concept of the original design [...]

  • 3 Reasons Why Fall is the Best Time to Replace Your Patio Doors

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors

    Most people -- perhaps yourself included -- consider the spring and summer to be the prime time to replace your patio doors and other remodeling projects. The weather is beginning to warm up and many people have vacation time in the summer which both lend themselves to planning such projects during those times. Fall, however, [...]

  • Get A Head Start on Your Spring Renovations This Winter

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Decks, Doors

    Preparing your patio for the next summer seems like an idea that you can’t act on for a few months with this cold weather. But, right now is a great time to research what you like, what works for your home’s layout, and to book your upcoming home renovation with Craftmasters. We love helping you [...]