• Conducting a Full House Facelift

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors, Siding, Windows

    Older houses take on an appearance of age, which can be nice when the house appears as an historic landmark. Relatively newer houses aren't always so quaint when they appear to be old and out of use. Fortunately, there are ways to give a house a facelift which maintains the concept of the original design [...]

  • Is Your Home Energy Efficient?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Specialty Windows, Windows

    Energy efficiency is more than using eco-friendly building solutions and Energy Star appliances in your home. It's also a means of reducing your power bill, allowing that money to go places you would much prefer to spend it whether for hobbies or other necessities. Nobody expects you to be uncomfortable by not running your heating [...]

  • 4 Things You Need to Know About Storm Damage

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Roofing, Siding, storm damage, Windows

    With the Minnesota winter and cold weather right around the corner, many homeowners are probably wondering how this year's storms will pan out. These thoughts, coupled with realities of the violent storms that have recently struck other areas of the country and the world still fresh on everyone's minds, has prompted Craftmasters to remind you [...]

  • Improved Windows and Home Renovations

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Bay and Bow Windows, Specialty Windows, Windows

    If you own an older home which is in nicer shape than to warrant a full restoration or remodel but could use a few upgrades, windows are one of the easiest ways to improve both efficiency and cosmetic appeal while adding value. Some of the options available may astound the layman who doesn't work with [...]

  • How to Prevent Excess Moisture in Your Home

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Specialty Windows, Windows

    Winter is the time of year when humidity is most prominent in your home. You may see humidity on your windows, doors, and pipes. Humidity is the result of a difference between the outside temperature and the temperature in your home. Unfortunately, moisture in your home can be dangerous for your entire family. Keep reading [...]

  • Maintenance or Remodel: Which Is Best for Your House?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Bathroom Kitchen Siding, Windows

    Newer houses need routine maintenance; older houses also require ongoing maintenance and often need a bit of TLC. Both new and old houses can benefit from a full remodel. The fact of the matter is, you bought your house because you like it. You like the floor plan and the traffic patterns work well for [...]