• Money-Saving Winter Preparation Tips for Your Home

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors, Energy Inspection, Insulation, Windows

    Home Insulation TIps When it comes to saving money on energy bills in the winter, there's so much you can do on your own without consulting a professional. Thankfully, we're going to show you some excellent tricks for keeping your home warm and your bills low. Here's a look at some money saving tips for [...]

  • What is a Home Energy Test?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Energy Inspection, Insulation

    You might think that during the winter and summer months, your electric bill is naturally higher. While this is true, it might be even higher than it should be. In fact, it could be higher than it should be all year long. At Craftmasters, our experts can perform a home energy test to detect if [...]

  • What to Expect from a Home Energy Inspection

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Energy Inspection, Insulation

    Heating and cooling expenses can add up quickly in Minnesota’s harsh winter climate. For homeowners, this can mean paying a great deal out of pocket in energy costs each winter. With a home energy inspection, you can take charge of the situation by learning which areas are adding up on your monthly energy expenses and [...]

  • Is Spray Foam Insulation a Good Idea for Your Home?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation

    Although it is hidden away behind sheetrock, home insulation is essential when it comes to keeping your Twin cities area home comfortable through all the seasons of the year, especially during harsh northern winters. During the winter season, adequate attic insulation is also very important to keep ice dams from forming on the roof and eventually [...]

  • How Much Attic Insulation do you Really Need

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Roofing, Siding, Windows

    Minnesota weather in the winter gets down-right freezing. Although your heating system is designed to run as efficiently as possible, every time it turns on you can almost hear the cost of your energy bill adding up. Ideally, you want to limit the time your heating system runs. Turning down your thermostat is one way but [...]

  • Save Money Each Month on Home Heating and Cooling

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Windows

    Homes with inadequate insulation or drafty windows can be lovely to look at, but they can present a tough problem when it comes to efficient heating and cooling. Poorly insulated attic spaces and drafty windows can waste a lot of the homeowner’s money in utility bills.    Test Your Home Before Calling a Roofing Contractor [...]

  • Finding Out What Insulation is Behind Your Walls

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation

    Whether you’re having air conditioning problems or not, knowing what home insulation you have is important. Your home’s attic insulation, basement insulation and living area insulation might all be different. Here at Craftmasters Remodeling, we have years of home energy testing experience. We’re dedicated to keeping the homes of our clients well-insulated. We also like [...]

  • These Four Tips Could Save Your Attic Insulation

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Roofing

    An insulated attic is a safe attic. Sure, installing insulation might be a messy job but it’s an important job, and it’ll spare your energy bill while protecting your home’s different rooms. When the fiberglass settles, you still have work to do. Once you’ve installed attic insulation, take the following steps to make sure your [...]

  • Is Spray Foam Insulation the Right Choice for Your Home?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation

    You know that your home needs more insulation in order to make it more comfortable to you and to save you money on your utility bills. How do you know, though, which insulation is the right one for you? In this blog, Craftmasters highlights some of the reasons why spray foam insulation might be a [...]

  • Protecting Your Attic Insulation From Bad Weather

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, storm damage

    If it isn’t raining, it’s pouring. Whether you constantly face off against snow, rain, sleet or hail, you should know where most of a home’s moisture winds up: in your attic. Here at Craftmasters, we understand the ins and outs of healthy home tips, tricks, and tactics. Now is the time to be focusing on [...]