• Understanding the Difference Between Bay and Bow Windows

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Bay and Bow Windows, Windows

    When you’re remodeling your home, replacement windows are a great way to add style and beauty to the outside of your home. Installing bay or bow windows is an affordable way to make a dramatic change. At Craftmasters Remodeling serving the Twin Cities, we can provide window replacement that your family will love for many [...]

  • When to Choose a Sliding Window

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Siding, Windows

    When it’s time to choose a new window for your home, it can be a tough decision. There are so many types of window styles to choose from it can be difficult to know which one is right for your home. If you’re in the process of choosing new windows for your home, our experts [...]

  • Money-Saving Winter Preparation Tips for Your Home

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Doors, Energy Inspection, Insulation, Windows

    Home Insulation TIps When it comes to saving money on energy bills in the winter, there's so much you can do on your own without consulting a professional. Thankfully, we're going to show you some excellent tricks for keeping your home warm and your bills low. Here's a look at some money saving tips for [...]

  • Everything You Need to Know About Home Performance Testing

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Roofing, Siding, Windows

    Home performance tests are one of the most useful tools available to homeowners and technicians alike. Here at Craftmasters, we put your energy bill first. A home performance test gauges a household’s energy efficiency, helping homeowners determine the best-possible avenue for new installations, replacements, and even removals. Conducted by trained technicians, a home performance test [...]

  • How Much Attic Insulation do you Really Need

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Roofing, Siding, Windows

    Minnesota weather in the winter gets down-right freezing. Although your heating system is designed to run as efficiently as possible, every time it turns on you can almost hear the cost of your energy bill adding up. Ideally, you want to limit the time your heating system runs. Turning down your thermostat is one way but [...]

  • Does Replacing your Old Windows Save you Money?

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Bay and Bow Windows, Specialty Windows, Windows

    Leaky and drafty old windows are total energy wasters! Sealing them up every year can certainly help, but honestly, it’s just a band aid on a bigger problem. No matter how hard you try, you'll still keep losing heat and worst of all you’re paying for it. So, if you are considering replacing your windows [...]

  • Let Craftmasters Remodeling Help You Find the Perfect Windows for Your Home

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Specialty Windows, Windows

    The windows of your home have many different uses. Not only do they bring nature and beauty into your house, but the windows you choose also add value and attractiveness to your residence as well. With the many choices that are available to you today, it can be difficult to find the right windows to [...]

  • Save Money Each Month on Home Heating and Cooling

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Insulation, Windows

    Homes with inadequate insulation or drafty windows can be lovely to look at, but they can present a tough problem when it comes to efficient heating and cooling. Poorly insulated attic spaces and drafty windows can waste a lot of the homeowner’s money in utility bills.    Test Your Home Before Calling a Roofing Contractor [...]

  • Window Trim Ideas for Your Home or Business

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Windows

    Tired of painting your old window trim over and over again? Noticing signs of wear and tear? Give your windows the upgrade they need. Window trim enhances the look and feel of your home. Select from a variety of trim features to suit your homes style. Get Your Window Trim Custom-Designed Rather than settling for [...]

  • Updated Window Options

    By Published On: June 18, 2024Categories: Bay and Bow Windows, Windows

    Whether you're building a new house from scratch, refurbishing a beautiful older home, or buying a house that still has time to add custom features, you may want to consider what window options are available for the modern home. The days of a carpenter and glass shop working together to cover the holes in your [...]