Minnesota weather in the winter gets down-right freezing. Although your heating system is designed to run as efficiently as possible, every time it turns on you can almost hear the cost of your energy bill adding up.

Ideally, you want to limit the time your heating system runs. Turning down your thermostat is one way but at the expense of your comfort. A better way to maximize your heating systems effectiveness is to trap as much of that heat inside of your home as possible. And the best way to do that is by insulating your attic.


Heat Rises

All heated air, regardless of the system you have in your home, will travel upwards. If there is no barrier between your ceiling and your roof, the heat will literally rise straight up and out of your home. That type of inefficiency means your heating system runs longer and more often, to keep the living space comfortable. Which again mean more higher energy bills.



All insulation is categorized by its R-value, which is the resistance of the insulation to heat loss. A lower R-value means more heat passes through in a given amount of time, and a higher R-value means less heat passes through during that same time period. No matter what, every home loses heat. But the longer you can delay that loss, the less time your heating system will need to be on. So, the goal is to have enough insulation in your attic that gives you the most return for your dollar. 


How Much Attic Insulation do you Really Need?

In an optimal case, R-value insulation with a rating of R-50 should be installed in your attic. An R-50 rating is the “break even” point between what you pay for the insulation and the effectiveness of your heating system.

R-value is the first step in understanding attic insulation. Installing batts of insulation material on the floor of your attic certainly helps, but you’ll maximize your insulation values by also installing batts between the studs on the walls. An even better solution is to have blown-in cellulose insulation, both on the floor and walls, which will seal air leaks and give you true R-50 heat loss performance.


To learn more about attic insulation, how it helps you lower your energy bill, and the types available, please contact Craftmasters Remodeling. Ask for a free estimate on getting the insulation you need. So start saving money on your energy bill this winter, and every one thereafter.